Home Goods Furnishers: Structural Building Materials
So you’re ready to decorate? I’m happy to inform you that the Home Goods Furnishers are a great place to start for a new home owner or an experienced decorator. The Home Goods Furnishers tend to carry a variety items and anyone with a little gold can purchase these without having to complete pre-requisite achievements. In this guide, we will focus on items like blocks, structural materials and other wares as well as where to find them. Below are some examples of what you can create:

Home Goods Furnishers have a chair symbol () and can be found when you scroll over the
on the map. The Home Goods Furnishing vendors are usually one of these three NPCs: Maladdiq
, Rohzika
, and Frohilde Snow-Hair
. Luckily for you, these vendors aren’t picky about which faction you are from, so travel to the most convenient location and gather what you need.
Although these Home Goods Furnishing vendors can be found throughout Tamriel, I highly recommend these three locations as they carry most of the staples to get started.
Alik’R DESERT/KHEnarthi’s Roost/EASTMARCH – Home Goods FurnishER
If there is a * symbol, this means that the item can only be found in that specific location.
CLockwork CITY DLC – Home Goods FurnishER
Summerset Chapter – Home Goods Furnisher
ElsweYr – Home Goods Furnisher
For those that have the Elsweyr Chapter or Dragonhold DLC, a few more items are available from Yatava in Rimmen, Northern Elsweyr, or Zadraska in Senchal, Southern Elsweyr.
For more home good furnishings, check out our pages on Boulders, Stones and Rocks and Trees, Bushes and Shrubs